New Jersey Coordination Center

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New Jersey Coordination Center's E-learning Website:

This e-Learning portal was developed by the New Jersey Coordination Center. While the Center’s activities concluded on June 30, 2020 when state funding for the programming came to an end, this portal will remain a resource where forensic practitioners and child welfare professionals can access information produced and created by NJCC. This includes information pertaining to the Quality Improvement Study, Research Activities, Brief Reports, Lecture Series PowerPoints, and On-Demand Web-Based Training.

We invite you to access and expand these resources as beneficial tools for the forensic evaluation community.


Current Training Courses Offered by the New Jersey Coordination Center
Web-Based Training (Available On-Demand):

Developing Cross Cultural Competency Guidelines: Forensic Interviewing of Families Involved in Child Protection Services

Christine Baker, Ph.D., Karyn Smarz, Ph.D., and Aileen Torres, Ph.D.

 Link to Course  

Web-Based Training Courses are approved for both Social Work & Psychology CEs through Rutgers School of Social Work & Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology. 

Learning Lectures:

Towards Improving Quality: Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) & Trauma in the Context of the Child Welfare Evaluations

Susan Esquilin, Ph.D. and Denise Johnson, Ph.D.

Link to Course


*Available June 9th, 2020


What is New Jersey Coordination Center (NJCC)?
Collaboration Between:
Collaboration Icon.png

Institute for Families, Rutgers School of Social Work

New Jersey Department of Children and Families
Multidisciplinary Team:
Multi Team Icon.jpg Psychologists Social Workers
Primary Purpose:
Researcher Icon.png Promote Best Practices in Forensic Evaluations  Disseminate Best Practice Strategies


Registration and Access

If you are a first time Canvas user or new to NJ Coordination Center's E-learning  site and would like access to all the features and e-learning products offered by the Coordination Center we ask that you register for an account. For more information on how to register please click the "Access & Help" tab at the bottom of this screen.

Report Icon v2.jpg

Brief Reports

Elearning Icon v2.png E-learning Presentations QI Icon.png Quality Improvement Study
Research Icon v2.png Research Activities Links%20Icon.png Resources & Links Nav and Help Icon.png Access & Help