University of Washington, Biomedical Diversity Community Under/Graduate Student Forum (Seattle, WA) 2020: Choosing Enriching Experiences and Learning From Mistakes
University of Virginia, Department of Biomedical Engineering Graduate Student Society (Charlottesvile, VA) 2020: Avoiding Traps and Pitfalls
University of Maryland, Department of Bioengineering (College Park, MD), Graduate Student Retreat 2020: Career Paths in Industry or Academia
Reilly Douglass Engineering Living-Learning Community (Reilly DELLC@ Rutgers; Invited Panelist) 2020: Female Career Paths in Biomedical Engineering
Rutgers Biomedical Engineering Student Society (BESS) 2020: The Eye in Biomedical Engineering Research: A Window into the Brain
Society for the Advancement of Chicanos /Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) Rutgers Chapter 2020, Surviving Covid Graduate School
Rutgers School of Engineering, Faculty Workshop Mentor 2019: How to write a KILLER post-doctoral and faculty application