Laboratory-Based Courses: In contrast to standard bench courses, I innovated a flipped lab-room by integrating a range of different experiments and techniques to explore traditional engineering topics. For example, the objective of a typical fluorescence module is to gather epi-images of stock samples via microscope. By contrast, my students fluorescently-label their own specimens (e.g. fixed cells, micro-beads in flow), use hardware to capture digital images (e.g. filter cubes, CCD cameras) and evaluate changes in image fluorescence intensity and distribution, computationally (ImageJ, Matlab). Similarly, my mechanics module is superior to the typically-used demos of mechanical testing systems, as it requires students to excise bone, notch the specimens, and evaluate its fracture mechanics, computationally, using data gathered from Mechanical Testing Systems (MTS).
Capstone Design I and II: I create collaborative design challenges with clinical sponsors who use the actual student prototypes to advance their research. My projects focus on community-based challenges, that illustrate the need for BME innovation in society, including rehabilitation, disabilities, and health disparities. In term-1, student teams develop critical design specifications and formally pitch 2-3 concept solutions to sponsors in collaboration with the Center for Innovation. In term-2, students perform computational modeling of the selected design (CAD, SolidWorks) and proceed to prototyping and benchtop testing via core machines (e.g. drill press, CNC) and 3D printing. Final prototypes are showcased each year via open and interactive demonstrations to the broader STEM community at BME Day.
Microfluidics and Fabrication: My graduate courses integrate my research discipline to emphasize how fabrication and system design are critical to BME solutions. I used my industry experience to develop micromolding fabrication processes in my own laboratory (safely!) , where students validate their device designs and present results to the class via poster session.