Rutgers Communications Policies and Guidelines

Welcome to the Rutgers Communications Policies and Guidelines Program

Welcome to the Rutgers Communications Policies and Guidelines Program

This training program has been designed as a resource for Rutgers faculty and staff (especially, new employees) to learn about policies, guidelines, and resources that will help you with your work at Rutgers, and to help guide marketing and communications initiatives. The program includes prerecorded training videos to allow you to select and schedule training topics you are interested in.

You can review these modules individually as your work relates to these topics, or you also have the option to receive the Rutgers Communicator Certificate if you complete the full set of required modules. The Communicator Certificate Program, produced by University Communications and Marketing in conjunction with University Human Resources, provides participants with a thorough exploration of the Rutgers identity and communications-related policies, as well as resources available at the university.

For General Information

If you are interested in browsing or seeking specific information about any of the marketing and communications policies, guidelines, and resources, you can click and review any topic throughout the program.

Rutgers Communicator Certificate Requirements             

If you are interested in receiving the Rutgers Communicator Certificate, you will need to complete all policy modules and related quizzes, along with two modules of your choice from the Guidelines and Best Practices section to receive the certificate. Once you have completed all the above requirements, please send an email to if you have not received a digital badge.

Please note, these asynchronous modules cannot be combined with partial attendance at in-person or live virtual communications training toward the requirements for the certificate. 

All captions are machine-generated.  You may send an email to for any inaccuracies.

To access the trainings click Modules to begin.


If you have any questions about this program, or any of the content, please contact University Communications and Marketing at